

Dal lupo al cane

Tutte le attuali razze canine sembrerebbero derivare da una specie particolare di lupo: il lupo grigio (scientificamente definito canis lupus; v. fig. successiva) che rispetto ad altre specie di
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Effetti positivi dei cani sulla salute dei proprietari

Sostenere che il possesso di un cane apporta benefici alla salute sia fisica che psicologica, non è un’eresia. Indubbiamente, il possesso di un cane spinge le persone a un
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L’interazione cane-uomo

Si stima che nei paesi economicamente sviluppati, circa una famiglia su tre possieda un cane e la maggioranza di esse lo ritiene e lo tratta quasi o del tutto
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L’unicità del cane

Tra le migliaia di specie animali presenti in natura, i cani possiedono caratteristiche uniche, principalmente nel loro rapporto con l’uomo. Sanno essere affettuosi quando siamo tristi o in cerca
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Our poodle’s coat should be brushed regularly, at least two-three times a week, even better if every day, to prevent “knots” from forming. Brushing should start at the neck
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Why is my poodle trying to dig on the floor at home?

It is one of the innate behaviours of dogs, which despite having differentiated over the years into hundreds of breeds, still share over 99% of their DNA with the
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Poodle heat cycle

Despite every dog – like humans – should be considered an individual, unique and different from others, in general, poodles go into heat starting from 4-7 months of age,
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Approximately 28-30 days after mating, a vet can confirm the pregnancy through ultrasound, X-ray, or abdominal palpation. In some cases, pregnancy detection may be possible as early as 21
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Is it right or wrong to breed your own poodle to have puppies?

The answer to this question is complicated, assuming that the desire to have puppies is not driven by financial motives. On one hand, the love that the owner has
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Do poodles suffer car travels?

In general, poodles are capable to adapt without problems to travel by car or on other moving vehicles such as buses or trains. Only in rare cases can they
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