Baby poodles are very cute when they are small. This may be dangerous when you have to buy one of them, because there are some dishonest breeders that take
During the 18th century, most of the poodles had the size of the current standard poodle. Coats colours were less, compared to those present today. In fact, those poodles
Let’s leave the horrors of the war now. Many people do not know that one of the most important philosopher of our history, Arthur Schopenhauer, had a poodle. Schopenhauer
Poodles did not help humans only during hunting but also during one of the most stupid human activities: War. There are many historic events in which poodles are quoted.
Another breed variant as made with a process called “crossbreeding” between poodles and others purebreds, in this case labrador. These variants are called “doodles” or “labradoodles”. The first doodle
Poodles and toy poodles, according to the ICF standards (International Canine Federation), are small size dogs, with a height, at the point of withers, that goes from 24 to
Molte persone che decidono di adottare un nuovo cane dopo la morte di quello precedente, cercano di trovare un cucciolo della stessa razza. Non sempre si tratta della scelta
Dopo la perdita del proprio cane, molte persone decidono di adottarne un altro. Alcune, addirittura, decidono di adottarne un altro prima della perdita del proprio cane, specie se esso
I nostri cani condividono per anni con noi la casa, le emozioni, la vita. È possibile che dopo la loro morte non ci sia più nulla, oppure finire l’esistenza