Do poodles suffer car travels?


Last Updated on 24/10/23 by wp_15467959

In general, poodles are capable to adapt without problems to travel by car or on other moving vehicles such as buses or trains. Only in rare cases can they react negatively to the journey, refusing to get into the car or vomiting in it.

In the first case, especially if it is a puppy, it is necessary to understand that the interior of the car is a new environment for them, which they can perceive as a danger, especially when the noise of the engine and movement are loud. You can therefore try to solve the problem by getting him into the car beforehand when it is stopped and with the doors open, caressing him and playing with him. Once the calm situation has been ascertained, we can check the reaction with the engine running and then with the car moving and by continuing to caress him and play with him at first.

If the dog vomits during the journey, the first advice is to take it in the car only after at least two hours have passed since the last meal. If the problem is not resolved, consult a vet to see if it is appropriate to administer some medicines before the trip.

Even if your poodle accepts travel by car without problems, some rules must be respected:

  • Put him in a safe place, preferably using a special car carrier;
  • Remove his leash to prevent him from getting entangled in it;
  • Do not leave him in the car for any reason, especially during summer;
  • If the journey is long-lasting, plan some stops, more frequent in relation to the age of the dog: Puppies need to drink and relieve themselves at least every hour; adult dogs can go up to two hours but with seniority they too may need more frequent stops to drink, free themselves and do some walks from time to time;
  • Upon arrival, pay the utmost attention to the dog, which if not properly trained will naturally tend to try to get out of the car by slipping into the door as soon as it is opened, with a very high risk of being run over by other cars.

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It’s from “My Poodle”, a manual that you can purchase on Amazon.



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